Code Unknown
麥可漢內克 Michael Haneke

2000 | Beta | Color | C/E Subtitles | 118min


熙來攘往的巴黎,來自鄉村的少年來此投靠哥哥喬治。哥哥的女友安、流浪的乞丐、受虐的孩子,因為巴黎而生命交錯的人們,在各自的困境中茫然失措。《鋼琴教師》、《白色緞帶》、《愛‧ 慕》的奧地利導演大師麥克漢內克,找來影后茱麗葉畢諾許,以一貫冷靜疏離又直逼心靈底層的影像刻畫,讓所有被

Anne, a young actress, is on the threshold of making it in the cinema. Her boyfriend, Georges, is a war photographer, he is rarely in France. His father is a farmer. Georges'younger brother, Jean, has no interest in taking over the farm. Amadou is a music teacher in an institute for deaf-mute children. His father, a taxi driver, originates from Africa. His little sister is a deaf and It's because of her that Amadou has chosen his profession. What do they have in common, these characters and those whose path they cross?


12/3(六) 15:00
12/11(日) 15:00
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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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