貓侍 電影版2
NEKO SAMURAI – A Tropical Adventure
渡邊武 Takeshi Watanabe

2015 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 85min | Chinese Subtitles


★ 搶先日本、全球上映!

惡型男劍客 ╳ 傲嬌白貓大人 竟然出現了第三者黑貓王子?!

有百人斬、鬼見愁等稱號的劍客斑目久太郎(北村一輝 飾),帶著白貓玉之丞歸鄉之後,至今仍無法取得一官半職,讓丈母娘阿妙十分不滿,丈母娘看女婿,越看越無趣!然而有一天,阿妙帶來了好消息,四國的土佐籓正在招募劍術指導,久太郎便帶著玉之丞踏上前往四國的旅程。沒想到謎之忍者突然現身,還偷走了他們的行李,人仰「貓」翻之餘,開往四國的船隻竟已經出航了!原來阿妙派來忍者,目的是希望女兒靜和久太郎能夠就此離婚!?儘管如此久太郎還是不肯放棄,決心划著一艘小船逕自航向四國…。

Everyone’s favorite grumpy samurai and cute white cat are back! Once feared as “Madara the Devil,” master swordsman Kyutaro Madarame (Kazuki Kitamura) returns home from Edo a lowly ronin, living with his mother-in-law. When she tells him of an opportunity to work as sword instructor on the island of Shikoku, he sets off on a journey with his feline companion Tamanojo. When a ninja heads them off he should know things are not what they seem. Former Assistant Director to Takashi Miike, Takeshi Watanabe helms this ambitious follow-up co-written by star Kitamura (recipient of JAPAN CUTS’ 2014 CUT ABOVE Award), who came up with the film’s wild story.


8/12(三) 11:00
8/13(四) 12:50
8/14(五) 13:10
8/15(六) 13:10
8/16(日) 13:10
8/17(一) 13:10
8/18(二) 13:10
8/19(三) 13:10
8/20(四) 20:20
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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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