Thanatos, Drunk
張作驥 Tso-Chi Chang

2014 | Mandarin/Taiwanese | color | Taiwan | 107min | C/E Subtitles



老鼠和酗酒的母親住在台北郊區一間陋屋裡。母親曾是南管劇團當家花旦,卻在劇團沒落後以當媽媽桑維生,並扶養他與哥哥長大。哥哥上禾品學兼優,在赴美 念書後卻傳出為男友自殺未果,就在他黯然回到台北時,家中卻人事已非…。
母親不在了,家中多了位住客碩哥。老鼠對碩哥如大哥般尊崇,卻對自己哥哥嗤 之以鼻。上禾白天在電影公司工作,夜裡則到同志酒吧放浪形駭。他想藉肉慾、 酒精麻痺創傷,卻情不自禁愛上了碩哥…。在市場賣菜的老鼠不顧眾人嘲笑,愛 上了不肯說話的援交女孩,總是費盡全力、只想博她一笑,甚至為了保護她鋌而 走險…。有人早失去了愛的勇氣,有人想重拾被愛的能力。當愛開始萌芽,揮之 不去的暗黑過去,卻也找上了他們…。

The camera follows closely on the heels of two brothers – one gay, the other straight. Both are looking for a job in order to survive. But both are also looking for themselves and long to find a foothold in life. The younger brother sells vegetables at the market where he meets a young woman who cannot speak but who gets up to all sorts of crazy things. The older brother is attracted to a dancer at a nightclub and finds himself drawn into some shifty business. Taking its cue from the rhythm of their wanderings, the film stays very close to its protagonists, showing them in lonely moments at the river, rambling boisterously through Taipei’s club scene by night, among barkers at the market, and in quiet moments together. Again and again the tone and hence the mood of the film changes. Zui Sheng Meng Si proves once again that young Taiwanese cinema does not have to avail itself of classical storytelling to fascinate its audience. These are lives in limbo, without fixed coordinates. In this way the film evolves into a portrait of manners, and a panorama of a society that does not appear to welcome its next generation.


8/19(三) 11:00
8/20(四) 22:00
8/21(五) 12:50
8/22(六) 12:50
8/23(日) 22:00
8/24(一) 12:50
8/25(二) 12:50
8/26(三) 21:30
8/27(四) 12:45
Add 台北市中山區中山北路二段18號 (捷運中山站旁)
No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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