Fly, Kite Fly
梁皆得 Chieh-Te LIANG

2014 | Chinese | Color | Taiwan | 75min | C&E Subtitles | 普


★ 第12屆世界自然野生生物映祭「環境保護獎」

1991 年,人稱老鷹先生的沈振中老師,親身經歷基隆外木山一群黑鳶因為棲地破壞而消失,因而放棄10 年的教職生涯,全職投入尋找黑鳶,以及他們為何在台灣消失的原因。這20 年來,過著簡樸生活的沈振中老師在許多民眾的支持下完成了黑鳶二十年的守護計劃,實踐了對自已的承諾,這是2011 年,這一年,他沒有退休金的退休了。

The black kite, generally referred to as ‘the eagle’ in Taiwan, used to be very widespread and so common that it is the main character in a well-known Taiwanese children’s game. However, it has now become so rare that very few people ever get to see it.
There is one man who vowed to safeguard this endangered bird. He was so determined that he spent the best 20 years of his life traveling throughout Taiwan to find out why the black kite is disappearing. His name is Shen Zhen Zhong, better known as ‘Mr. Kite’.
From 1992 to 2015 film documentary maker Liang Chieh-Te followed Mr. Kite’s journey. Through his camera lenses, he has recorded the story of how, because of love, one person can cross the species barrier and totally devote himself to a cause with no regrets.
Let us all re-establish the close relationship between humans and nature so that we can contribute to the earth’s sustainable future.


12/09(三) 10:30
12/10(四) 10:30
12/13(日) 10:30
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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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