The Crow's Egg
曼尼卡丹 M. Manikandan

2014 | Tamil | Color | India | 91min | C/E Subtitles | 普


繼【貧民百萬富翁】後 印度最獨特迷人草根特質再度呈現

一對來自印度清奈貧民聚落的小兄弟,每天最大的樂趣便是從烏鴉巢偷生烏鴉蛋來吃。正因如此,他們的小名便成了「大鳥蛋」和「小鳥蛋」。與媽媽和祖母相依為命,一天媽媽帶回了一台破舊電視,從此鳥蛋兄弟認識世界的大門被開啟 – 當他們看到新開張的披薩店廣告後,完全被畫面上那些熱騰騰香噴噴的披薩所迷惑,欲嚐大口咬下的痛快滋味。兄弟倆開始絞盡腦汁設法賺錢只為了買披薩,殊不知誤打誤撞下捲入大漩渦,瞬間成為全國爭相報導的風雲新聞人物!

The Crow’s Egg has earned comparisons to Slumdog Millionaire and is a crowd pleaser for young and old alike. Two mischievous and resourceful brothers live in poverty in a Chennai slum but find joy in each other and their family and friends. When the brothers see an ad for pizza, which coincides with the opening of a nearby pizza shop, they are determined to taste this magical food for the very first time. So begins a great adventure, with triumphs and setbacks, as the industrious brothers try to raise the cash to fund their wish. With delightful performances and a vibrant energy, The Crow’s Egg is both a simple fable and a poignant reflection on globalisation and aspiration.


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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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