The End of the Tour
詹姆士龐索德 James Ponsoldt

2015 | English | Color | USA | 106min | Chinese Subtitles | 護


★ 《戀夏進行式》導演詹姆士龐索德最新揪心力作!
★ 強勢問鼎獨立精神獎 最佳劇本、最佳男主角兩項大獎!
★ 《BBC》《VOGUE》《浮華世界》評選年度十大佳片!
★ 日舞影展、西雅圖影展、金馬影展,好評沸騰!

美國作家大衛佛斯特華勒斯(傑森席格飾 演),1996年出版了讓他一夕成名的巔峰之作《無盡嘲諷》。《滾石雜誌》記者大衛利普斯基(傑西艾森伯格飾演)為了報導需求,前去貼身採訪華勒斯,兩人並踏上一段為期五天的公路之旅。朝夕相處之中,這兩位大衛看似惺惺相惜,彼此敞開心扉笑談人生;有時卻又因為彼此的工作立場,相互嫉妒暗中較勁,逐漸發展出一段亦敵亦友的微妙情誼。旅程結束之後,報導無疾而終,兩個大衛再也沒見過面;當時所錄下的對話,也成為專屬兩人之間的秘密,一直沉睡在屋子角落…。


THE END OF THE TOUR tells the story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter and novelist David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg) and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace (Jason Segel), which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace’s groundbreaking epic novel, “Infinite Jest.” As the days go on, a tenuous yet intense relationship seems to develop between journalist and subject. The two men bob and weave around each other, sharing laughs and also possibly revealing hidden frailties – but it’s never clear how truthful they are being with each other. Ironically, the interview was never published, and five days of audiotapes were packed away in Lipsky’s closet. The two men did not meet again.

The film is based on Lipsky’s critically acclaimed memoir “Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace” about this unforgettable encounter, written following Wallace’s 2008 suicide. Both Segel and Eisenbeg reveal great depths of emotion in their performances and the film is directed with humor and tenderness by Sundance vet James Ponsoldt from Pulitizer Prize winner Donald Margulies’ insightful and heartbreaking screenplay.


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