彼得索列特 Peter Sollett

2015 | English | Color | USA | 103min | Chinese Subtitles | 輔12


★ 奧斯卡影后 茱莉安摩爾 X 天才演員 艾倫佩姬 動人演出
★ 2008 奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片《扣押幸福》大銀幕改編
★ 《摯愛無盡》《永不妥協》金獎製片團隊,攜手《費城》編劇再創同志題材感人新作

真實事件改編,紐澤西女警探蘿拉(茱莉安摩爾 飾),在25年的職業生涯裡立功無數,與女友史黛西(艾倫佩姬 飾)感情穩定。事業愛情兼得時,蘿拉卻不幸檢查出肺癌末期。她希望將退休金留給史黛西,卻遭到政府以「不符合條件」為由,無情地拒絕讓她領取撫恤金。蘿拉決定利用她生命最後的短短時光,與親朋好友聯手起訴政府、進行一場同志平權改革運動,替自己與愛人爭取正義與權益。

The true love story of Laurel Hester and Stacie Andree and their fight for justice. A decorated New Jersey police detective, Laurel is diagnosed with cancer and wants to leave her hard earned pension to her domestic partner, Stacie. However the county officials, Freeholders, conspire to prevent Laurel from doing this. Hard-nosed detective Dane Wells, and activist Steven Goldstein, unite in Laurel and Stacie's defense, rallying police officers and ordinary citizens to support their struggle for equality.


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