Valley of Love
紀洛姆尼克婁 Guillaume Nicloux

2015 | French/English | Color | France/Belgium | 91min | Chinese Subtitles | 護


★ 法國凱薩獎 最佳攝影

伊莎貝(伊莎貝雨蓓 飾)和傑哈(傑哈德巴狄厄 飾)原是一對夫妻,離異多年, 卻在兒子自殺六個月後,分別收到兒子寄出的神秘信函,請他們前往美國加州的 死亡谷,他會在沙漠某處與他們會面。兩人儘管疑惑不解,還是決定順從兒子遺 言,在炙熱的荒原中並肩前行,試圖一探究竟,尋找兒子厭世的原因…。

Isabelle and Gerard go to a strange appointment in Death Valley, California. They have not seen each other for years and are here to answer to an invitation from their son Michael, a photographer, which they received after his suicide, six months ago. Despite the absurdity of the situation, they decide to follow the initiatory program designed by Michael...


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