The Final Lesson
芭絲卡‧布莎杜 Pascale Pouzadoux

2015 | French | Color | France | 106min | Chinese Subtitles | 普


★ 2015 釜山影展


一向樂觀的瑪德蓮(瑪蒂.薇拉隆加 飾)在92歲的生日宴會上宣佈,已經決定好自己的『大限之日』,因為身體及所有器官逐漸衰老,哪怕只是一件冬衣外套的重量,年邁的她也無法承受。她希望自己能選擇生命善終、有尊嚴地死去,並期望家人們可以做好沒有她的心理準備,所有的家人都無法接受這個晴天霹靂的決定,家族聚會不歡而散。年輕時的瑪德蓮是一名社運份子,也是女權運動的支持者,她希望女兒黛安(桑德琳.波奈兒 飾)以及其他子女們能陪她走過人生道路的最後一段,讓他們都能明白,自己直到死前都對生命懷抱著熱情、智慧與尊嚴,這是她給子女們上的最後一堂課。

Madeleine, 92 years old, decides to set the date and conditions of her departure. By telling her daughter Diane and her son Pierre, she hopes to prepare them as gently as possible to her coming disappearance. But for her children, it’s a chock, and minds are set ablaze.Until the end, Madeleine will keep her dignity, wits, and passion for life as a course of conduct, so she can give them all, and in particular Diane, a touching “final lesson”.


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