Dare to Be Wild
薇薇安德庫西 Vivienne De Courcy

2015 | English | Color | Ireland | 101min | Chinese Subtitles | 普


★ 2015都柏林國際影展 觀眾票選大獎

世界頂尖的園藝設計師 瑪麗雷諾 的真實浪漫冒險故事

從小生長在愛爾蘭、被綠色丘陵圍繞的鄉下女孩,來到大城市找尋她的夢想。倫敦最富盛名的設計師偶然間發現瑪麗對園藝設計的驚人天賦,竟剽竊她的作品,將她的作品集占為己有。於是瑪麗決心接受挑戰,以最年輕的參賽者報名全球最具指標性的園藝大賽:英國雀兒喜花展(RHS Chelsea Flower Show)。距離比賽只剩三周,憑著對大自然的熱情,加上一群原住民的幫忙,甚至遠赴伊索比亞尋找造林專家克里斯帝的幫助,瑪麗打破傳統園藝以奇珍異卉取勝的舊路線,她將大自然融入庭園設計,讓野生的植物化為美麗的庭園,打造出名符其實的『世界之庭』,這是勇奪世界冠軍的庭園設計師:瑪麗雷諾的浪漫冒險故事。

Dare to be Wild is a romantic adventure story, inspired by real life Mary Reynolds, a young landscape designer determined to preserve wild nature. Betrayed in the cutthroat world of Dublin celebrity society, Mary has little hope and no prospects, but has one earth-changing idea. But how does a penniless unknown dare compete in the Olympics of Gardening where Prince Charles is a rival? Defying all odds, Mary embarks on an Ethiopian odyssey to bring back the one man who can help. When the man whose mission is to make the desert bloom again meets the woman engaged in a wild competition, passion blazes along with the power to change the world.


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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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