The 17th Journey of Compassion
關本良Kwan Pun Leung
蔡貞停Clara CHOI

2016 | Mandarin/Tibetan/English | Color | HK | 43min | C/E Subtitles | 普


導演在2010 年受邀請到印度拍攝藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派領袖噶瑪巴(第十七世大寶法王)的九百周年慶典活動及冬季法會。原本只是一個純紀錄性質的工作,看似一趟單純的工作旅程,兩位導演也只不過是想藉這個機會實現他們一直以來想拍心靈短片的心願。卻沒想過這片開拍不久便活出它的生命,帶領著攝影隊走上一趟非常奇特的旅程。途中所見所聞,聖地的一磚一瓦,最後成就了這次探索人生意義之旅 。可貴的是,大寶法王和一眾智者仁波切不斷從旁指點迷津,解開他們對生命的迷思。

Life is unpredictable and indecipherable. But it is precisely this element of elusiveness which makes it interesting.
This film came about under an ordinary circumstance. In 2010, the directors were invited to go to India to film the 900th anniversary celebrations of Karmapa (Seventeenth Karmapa), the leader of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, and a winter dharma assembly. It was originally a simple assignment to film these events
It would appear to be a just a working assignment. The two directors saw this as an opportunity to have their dream of making a spiritual short film come true. However, much to their surprise, soon after the shooting started, the film assumed a life of its own.


7/13(三) 14:20
7/14(四) 14:20
7/15(五) 14:30
7/16(六) 14:30
7/17(日) 14:30
7/18(一) 14:30
7/19(二) 14:30
7/20(三) 14:30
7/21(四) 14:30
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No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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