Ma vie de Courgette
克勞德.巴哈 Claude Barras

2016 | French | Color | Switzerland/France | 66min | C/E Subtitles | 普


★ 安錫動畫影展 最佳影片、觀眾票選獎
★ 奧斯卡金像獎 最佳外語片瑞士代表;最佳動畫長片 入圍

在執導首部長片作品《酷瓜人生》之前,克勞德.巴哈已執導了數部短片,包括已在世界各國影展斬獲多座獎項的作品《The Genie in a Ravioli Can》。克勞德.巴哈連結童年的手法獨到,超越時間和年齡層限制,他擁有讓觀眾同時笑淚交織的稀有才華。他的故事滿溢寫實筆觸和幻想元素,幽默又具詩意。有他的推動改編,吉爾.巴黎的《酷瓜自傳》才能化身成停格動畫電影。

Courgette is an intriguing nickname for a 9 year old boy. Although his unique story is surprisingly universal. After his mother’s sudden death, Courgette is befriended by a kind police officer, Raymond, who accompanies Courgette to his new foster home filled with other orphans his age. Courgette struggles at first to find his place in this strange, at times hostile, environment. Yet with Raymond’s help and his newfound friends, Courgette eventually learns to trust, find true love and at last a new family of his own.

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