White Ant
朱賢哲 Hsien-Che Chu

2016 | Mandarin | Color | Taiwan | 95min | C/E Subtitles | 限


★ 釜山影展 新潮流競賽單元 入圍
★ 釜山影展 費比西國際影評人獎

白以德(吳慷仁 飾)努力讓自己看起來像是正常上班族,但到了晚上卻常常無法控制自己對女性內衣褲的慾望。一次,在白以德行竊女性內衣褲幾天之後,他收到了一張DVD,DVD裡面正是他偷竊過程的畫面。原來,失戀情緒無法抒發的湯君紅,追蹤失聯男友時卻意外拍攝到白以德在竊取女性內衣褲。因為憤怒,湯君紅沒有報警卻把拍攝的影像製成DVD寄給白以德,這件看似「正義」的舉動卻一發不可收拾……。

White Ant believed that there was a ghost living in his hair and just like other fetishists, he tried to look like a normal person working but often could not control his desire at night. Once in a few days after stealing female lingerie, White Ant received one DVD showing footage of him stealing female lingerie. This time, White Ant knew that he could not hide it anymore and the White Ant previously living in dark and wet desire was now forced to be exposed by people around him. However those people around him also had a White Ant inside that was devouring them.

4.1(六)18:15 映後Q&A


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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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