
原田真人 Masato Harada


2017 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 150min | Chinese Subtitles | 輔12


★ 改編自司馬遼太郎暢銷小說

在眾家臣中嶄露頭角的石田三成(岡田准一 飾)與擁有奪取天下之野望的德川家康(役所廣司 飾)兩位主將,各擁東西軍數十萬將兵,聚集於關原盆地,日本本土規模最大的戰爭一觸即發!兩雄相爭欲稱霸天下,戰場上的勝負除了決定個人生死,亦牽動家族榮枯。從一場戰役窺看一個時代,進而面臨人生最終抉擇——重義理、或取利?此外,用自身性命保護石田三成的女忍者初芽(有村架純 飾),兩人間的“戀情”將走向何處……。在權謀的世界中,貫徹「愛」與「正義」的武將石田三成,即將拉開戰役的序幕!

On October 21, 1600, the Battle of Sekigahara takes place that ends the Sengoku period and determines a ruler for the new era.
The Battle of Sekigahara takes place between the Western Army, led by Mitsunari Ishida (Junichi Okada), and the Eastern Army, led Ieyasu Tokugawa (Koji Yakusho). Ieyasu Tokugawa attempts to keep a hold of the nation within his greedy grasp.
Even though the Western Army are believed to outnumber the Eastern Army, they take losses on the battlefield. A hidden truth exists. Hatsume (Kasumi Arimura) was sent to spy on Mitsunari Ishida, but falls in love with him.


11/22(三) 14:00
11/23(四) 16:15
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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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