A Fish Out of Water



2018 | Mandarin | Color | Taiwan | 91min | C/E Subtitles | 普


★ 聖賽巴提昂國際影展 新導演競賽片
★ 漢堡影展 觀摩影片

浩騰(鄭人碩 飾)與妻子雅紀(曾珮瑜 飾)一直努力打拼,鎮日忙得不可開交。生活重擔壓迫著他們幾乎喘不過氣來。不知從什麼時候開始,上幼兒園的兒子怡安(白潤音 飾)常跟他們提起「以前的家」、「以前的爸媽」,甚至連地址和姓名都說得一清二楚。在父親過世後,浩騰充分感受到失去親人的痛苦,他決定實現兒子心願,安排一段旅行、全家一起去找尋「以前的家」。

Yian, starting to go to kindergarten, often asks his parents to help him find his parents in the past. However, doctors and his parents just think it might be psychosis with him . Meanwhile, his married parents are under negotiation for a separation. His mom Yaji decides to move out with him while his dad Haoteng decides to focus on taking care of Yian’s ill grandfather. Yian leaves his wish to his grandfather , however, it failed again with the death of his grandfather. After the funeral, Yaji and Haoteng tried to reconcile again and help Yian find his parents in the past life. Will Yian find the real parents in his past life ? Is it all true ? What will the journey influence this family?


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No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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