The Ringside Story

武正晴 Masaharu Take


2017 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 104min | Chinese Subtitles | 護


★ 2018 金馬奇幻影展
★ 2018 特羅姆瑟影展 
★ 2017 釜山影展

秀夫(瑛太 飾)整天無所事事,一心只想到坎城走紅毯,生活全靠女友加奈子(佐藤江梨子 飾)接濟,加奈子為了生計,勉強進入陽盛陰衰的「職業摔角聯盟」討生活,喜愛摔角的秀夫卻盜用加奈子的工作證想看霸王賽,還亂吃飛醋大鬧比賽現場,加奈子無奈離職,卻再度陰錯陽差進入K1 綜合格鬥聯盟工作。這回秀夫氣急攻心,竟嗆聲K1 王者,要在擂台上釘孤枝。秀夫決定使出傳說中的「方法演技」,效法《蠻牛》裡的勞勃狄尼洛,變身世界拳王贏得美人歸,渣男能成功變身英雄嗎?

Kanako (Eriko Sato) and Hideo (Eita) has dated for the past 10 years. Kanako works at a bento factory and Hideo tries to find work as an actor. One day, Kanako is informed she is being fired from her job. Hideo freaks out when he learns that Kanako will be unemployed. He then tells her about a job opening at a professional wrestling organization. Although Kanako has zero interest in wrestling, Hideo is a huge wrestling fan. He even writes an enthusiastic letter to the company pretending to be Kanako. Soon, Kanako is an employee for the professional wrestling organization. As she gets more familiar with her work, Kanako begins to enjoy her job. That is until Hideo begins to gets jealous and causes trouble for her.


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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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