
文·溫德斯 Wim Wenders


2017 | English | Color | Germany/ USA/France/Spain | 112min | Chinese Subtitles | 輔15


我們因緣分而相戀 又因命運而分離

特務間諜詹姆士(詹姆斯麥艾維 飾)和海洋生物學家黛妮 (艾莉西亞·薇坎德 飾),到法國海邊渡假邂逅彼此,墜入愛河的兩人情意正濃,卻因工作不得不暫時分開。不幸的是,詹姆士在執行任務過程中身分曝光,遭當地恐怖分子逮捕,他被關在非洲海岸邊與世隔絕的一間地下室,身心靈飽受折磨的他內心渴望獲得救贖;遠在世界另一端零下的北極海岸,黛妮準備潛入海底深處去探索最深的海溝,同時面對生死關頭的兩人,必須靠他們堅定的愛火才能讓彼此再度重逢……。

James (James McAvoy) is a British agent under the cover of a water engineer, while Danny (Alicia Vikander) is a bio-mathematician working on a deep-sea diving project to explore the origin of life on our planet. On a chance encounter in a remote resort in Normandy where they both prepare for their respective missions, they fall rapidly, and unexpectedly, into each other's arms and a deliriously wild love affair develops, even though their jobs are destined to separate them. Danny sets off on a perilous quest to dive to the bottom of the ocean. James's assignment takes him to Somalia, where he is sucked into a geopolitical vortex that puts him in grave danger. Both characters are subject to different kinds of isolation as they pine for each other; their determination to reconnect becomes as much an existential journey as a love story.


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