The Cat in Their Arms

犬童一心 Isshin Inudo


2018 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 110min | Chinese Subtitles | 普


本片改編自大山淳子暢銷貓咪小說,由擅於刻劃動物與人類情感,被稱為日本拍貓電影第一神手的金獎導演犬童一心執導。曾是偶像團體的沙織(澤尻英龍華 飾)在團體解散後,決定逃離大都市,隱姓埋名在一個小鎮擔任超市收銀員。不擅長人際關係的沙織在這裡沒有朋友,身心俱疲的她遇上了一隻俄羅斯藍貓「良男(吉澤亮 飾)」,良男至此成為沙織訴說心情的對象。面對每天溫柔對待自己的沙織,良男開始認為自己是人類,想要成為沙織的戀人守護她……。

Saori Oishi (Erika Sawajiri) is 33-years-old and works at a supermarket in a provincial city. In her past, Saori Oishi was a member of an idol group, but she could not a future as a singer and she got sick of everything. She then moved to the provincial city. She only opens her heart to the male cat Yoshio at a pet store. Yoshio feels Saori’s honesty and somehow begins to feel that he is a person and acts like Saori's boyfriend.

• 時間地點 ╱ 即日起 ~ 1O.11 | 光點台北 樓梯間 


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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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