
是枝裕和 Koreeda Hirokazu


2006 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 127min | Chinese Subtitles | 普


★ 是枝裕和 首部古裝喜劇電影
★ 集結岡田准一 ╳ 宮澤理惠 ╳ 淺野忠信 聯合演出

年輕的武士青木宗左衛門(岡田准一 飾)為了尋找殺父仇人金澤十兵衛(淺野忠信 飾)遠離家鄉來到了江戶。眼看著錢袋漸空,只好暫時在一間破舊的小屋中落腳,開了家小私塾糊口度日,還愛上住在對門的年輕寡婦(宮澤理惠 飾)。沒想到,好不容易找到殺父仇人,卻發現對方早已放下屠刀、重組幸福快樂的家庭,這讓他開始重新思考復仇究竟意味著什麼?另一邊,赤穗藩的武士也來到這一帶潛伏,伺機為含冤切腹而死的領主報仇,他們真能放下仇恨,或者成功復仇嗎?

A samurai named Soza (Junichi Okada) has lived in the modest Edo shanty town for the past 3 years in search of his father’s killer. His father was killed in a petty dispute over the game “Go” and his last words to Soza were to revenge his death. Soza while honoring his father’s wishes has also been partaking in activities that are of interest to him, but unusual for a Samurai. This would include running a private school for the neighborhood kids and keeping birds as pets. He’s also become quietly attached to a widow named Osae (Rie Miyazawa) and her 8 year old son Shinbo. It’s also revealed through humorous scenes in the film that Soza is a terrible swordsman and actually scared of battle. When he finally locates his father’s killer Soza he now has to weight the teachings of his Samurai background against his own moral convictions.


Add 台北市中山區中山北路二段18號 (捷運中山站旁)
No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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