Farewell Song

塩田明彥 Akihiko Shiota


2019 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 116min | Chinese Subtitles | 護



蕾歐(小松菜奈 飾)與小春(門脇麥 飾)兩人在因緣際會之下組成了雙人女子樂團「Haruleo」,並在獨立音樂界裡造成話題、深受樂迷歡迎。沒想到雙人組合終於迎來各奔東西的一天。雖然立下了「社內戀愛禁止」的規定,蕾歐一直都喜歡著志摩(成田凌 飾),志摩則暗戀著小春,而一路以來教會蕾歐彈奏吉他及演唱的小春,其實對蕾歐有著超越同性情誼的情感……。想說卻說不出口的話,以及不得不向現實低頭而放棄的夢想,這一切的痛苦將通過音樂傳達給大家。

Haru and Reo perform as musical duo Haru-Reo. With their indie music, they suddenly get popular. Even with their newfound success, they decide to disband the duo. Haru-Reo go on one last tour together. Their roadie Shima goes with the girls on the tour. Reo has feelings for Shima, but Shima has feelings for Haru. And Haru has feelings for Reo.


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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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