
蜷川實花 Mika Ninagawa


2019 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 118min | Chinese Subtitles | 輔12



大場加奈子(玉城蒂娜 飾)自小被母親拋棄,在世界上也找不到自己的容身之所。原本打算虛度人生的她,為了日薪30萬圓的工作,不小心被賣到了「殺手餐廳」,遇上了號稱天才主廚的退休殺手:龐貝羅(藤原龍也 飾)。在這間只招待殺手的餐廳,沾染血跡的人們循著美味的香氣來到,他們點選的餐點會是一份頂級的料理?還是瘋狂無比的殘殺遊戲?彷若誤入地獄仙境的愛麗絲,加奈子又該如何活下去?

Diner, originally a novel by Yumeaki Hirayama, had been deemed impossible to depict as a film due to its radical content. To tackle the difficult task of “creating a film without age restrictions”, Ninagawa employed creative tactics true to form, such as replacing blood splashes with red rose petals, and using rain and cherry blossoms as a backdrop for a battle scene. Former murderer and genius chef, portrayed by Tatsuya Fujiwara, along with a waitress portrayed by newcomer Tina Tamashiro, come together with a group of fantastical assassins in a diner. Top creatives and artists such as Tadanori Yokoo, Makoto Azuma and Kohei Nawa have also lent a hand to the production of the film. A girl with a hollowness in her heart and who finds that she belongs to nowhere, is thrust into a series of attacks where she must struggle to find her will to live. The key message of the film – to think with one’s own mind and to live strongly with integrity – has resonated with many young people across social media, and subsequently led to an extended screening of the film.


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No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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