
是枝裕和 Hirokazu Kore-eda

2018 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 121min | C/E Subtitles | 輔12


★ 坎城影展最佳影片「金棕櫚獎」!

劇情描述在東京下町林立的高樓大廈之間,不合時宜地殘存一個破舊平房,裡面住著年邁的母親初枝(樹木希林 飾)、治(中川雅也 飾)與信代(安藤櫻 飾)夫婦,以及他們的兒子祥太(城檜吏 飾),還有信代的妹妹亞紀(松岡茉優 飾)。這家人仰賴初枝的老人年金過活,當年金不夠用時,就會靠在外頭順手牽羊來補貼家用。雖然他們處在社會底層,但每天依然快樂地過生活。
某個冬天,治在附近大樓發現一個瑟瑟發抖的女孩由里(佐佐木光結 飾),於是他將由里帶回家中,信代更將這個渾身是傷的女孩視如己出扶養。隨著由里加入到這個貧困潦倒的家庭之後,卻因為某件事情發生,讓這個原本融洽的家庭開始分崩離析,彼此心中隱藏的秘密與無奈的心願,也一一被揭露…。潦倒的家庭。以此事件為契機,這個原本融洽的家庭,逐漸四分五裂,彼此心中隱藏的秘密與願望也逐漸明朗……。

After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At first reluctant to shelter the girl, Osamu's wife agrees to take care of her after learning of the hardships she faces. Although the family is poor, barely making enough money to survive through petty crime, they seem to live happily together until an unforeseen incident reveals hidden secrets, testing the bonds that unite them.



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