Beneath the Shadow

大友啟史 Keishi Ohtomo

2019 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 134min | Chinese Subtitles | 護


★ 芥川賞、文學新人獎得主 沼田真佑 同名作品改編
★ 海南島國際電影節 最佳男主角獎

今野秋一(綾野剛 飾)因為被公司調職,從大城市的東京來到岩手縣盛岡市居住,人生地不熟的他,雖能與同事正常相處卻總無法融入。直到他結識了同齡的日淺典博(松田龍平 飾),才逐漸對這未知的土地卸下了心房。兩人乍看個性不合,卻在一夜把酒言歡,建立起深厚的友誼。某天,日淺突然下落不明,隨著今野開始找尋他的蹤跡,摯友底下截然不同的面貌才逐漸浮出水面……

Konno moved to Iwate for his job. There, he meets his colleague Hiasa at work. They form a close bond while drinking together, fishing together and doing other activities. One day, Hiasa quits his job without saying anything to Konno. Shortly after, they meet again, but they cannot have that close feeling as they had before. They do not meet again. Time passes and Konno learns that Hiasa went missing. While looking for Hiasa, Konno learns a secret about Hiasa.



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