My Sweet Grappa Remedies

大九明子 Akiko Ooku

2019 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 108min | Chinese Subtitles | 護


年過四十的佳子(松雪泰子 飾)單身、獨居、沒有孩子,在派遣公司上班,平淡生活中任何一點微小的事物,都是她所珍視的浪漫。和被拖吊的腳踏車「久別重逢」,興奮地撲上前給腳踏車一個愛的擁抱;爬上明明在家附近,卻從沒走過的天橋,看見從未見過的日落風景發出讚嘆;觀察月台上的老太太緩慢、認真地用手機寫下「來拜訪我吧!」,感動到差點熱淚盈眶;為了幫一成不變的生活增添變化,毅然決然搭上與平日反方向的列車,結果回來卻發現除了後悔、浪費時間,什麼也沒得到。佳子最大的樂趣就是與公司後輩若林(黑木華 飾)一起吃午餐、期待發薪日那天一起去慶祝一番;以及下班後一個人去酒吧,或回家小酌片刻,當甜酒入喉,生命的缺憾、曾經的戀人、離世的父母、想被記得的渴望,都再次提醒佳子孤獨的事實。然而,這樣平淡、孤單的日子卻在比佳子小24歲的年輕男子岡本(清水尋也 飾)出現後,開始產生變化,兩人的戀情,將為佳子帶來全新的生活感悟。

Yoshiko is in her 40s, single and has no kid. She works in a publishing company and she enjoys small pleasures like having lunch with her junior colleague or drinking grappa alone at home. Her life is quiet but rather than feeling sorry for herself, she cherishes small things in her life.
One day, her colleague introduced her male friend who is 24 years younger than Yoshiko, and they start dating... After depicting a woman in 20s in "Tremble All You Want" and a woman in 30s in "Marriage Hunting Beauty", director Akiko Ooku presents this quiet but steadfast woman in 40s in the film.



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