Hotel Royal

武正晴 Masaharu Take

2020 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 104min | Chinese Subtitles | 輔12



北海道有一間能眺望濕原的「皇家賓館」,雅代(波瑠 飾)在美術大學落榜後,只能回到老家幫忙父親顧店,看著店裡來來去去的情慾男女,內心充滿不情願。來賓館的男人想要的都一樣,那麼,來賓館的女人呢?年輕情侶來開房間竟是為了拍攝裸照,她甘心褪去衣裳、擺出各種撩人姿勢只是為了男友參加攝影師比賽;結婚多年,平常忙著照顧公婆及小孩的老婆無暇享受閨房之樂,非得來到賓館才能縱聲享受;逃家的高中少女無處可去,說服了妻子外遇的高中老師來此投宿一晚。就連雅代也對那個上門推銷情趣用品的業務員宮川(松山研一 飾)產生好感……然而此時,賓館內卻發生了駭人的殉情命案,一時成為媒體注目的焦點,父親更氣得病倒了,皇家賓館的命運會是如何?雅代又該何去何從?

This drama adapts a series of novels set within a love hotel into a single story interconnecting the present and the past. At the helm is Take Masaharu who has directed 100 Yen Love and the We Make Antiques series. Masayo (Haru) failed her art school entrance exam and ends up helping out at the Hotel Royal, the love hotel her father Daikichi (Yasuda Ken) owns in her birthplace of Hokkaido. Masayo partly resigns herself to take over the hotel to which a variety of people visit seeking the unusual. Then a double-suicide occurs in one of the rooms. Furthermore, Daiichi falls ill.



Add 台北市中山區中山北路二段18號 (捷運中山站旁)
No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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