It's a Flickering Life

山田洋次 Yoji YAMADA


2021 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 125min | Chinese Subtitles | 普


日本電影大廠「松竹映畫」 100 週年紀念作品!

嗜賭酗酒更積欠一屁股債的鄉(澤田研二/菅田將暉 飾),年邁的他只剩電影可以喜愛。在被沒收一切財物之後,他前往昔日片廠工作伙伴寺新(小林稔侍 /野田洋次郎 分飾)所經營的社區戲院,沒想到竟一頭栽進年輕時所熱愛的電影舊夢當中。原來,他過去曾任名導助理,並邂逅氣質女星園子(北川景子 飾),甚至還跟寺新共同愛上在食堂工作的淑子(永野芽郁/宮本信子 飾)。 當鄉終於獲得拍攝電影的機會時,一場意外卻讓機會化為泡影。直到半個世紀以後,當初所要拍攝的劇本再度出現在年邁的鄉眼前,也改寫了他一生未完成的夢想……。

Goh (Kenji Sawada) is a passionate gambler but a deadbeat dad, and his wife Yoshiko (Nobuko Miyamoto) and family have given up on him. Nevertheless, there’s one thing that Go has always been wholeheartedly devoted to: movies. He and Terashin, the owner of a repertory cinema he frequents, are old friends from their days working at a film studio.
In their youth, Goh (Masaki Suda) and his colleagues spent every waking moment chasing their dreams, surrounded by great directors and famous stars who represented Japan’s golden age of motion pictures. However, when Go and Terashin both fell in love with a young woman (Mei Nagano) whose family ran a diner, the wheels of fate started to wobble...
In this tale of love and friendship spanning a lifetime, the “god of cinema” that Goh has worshipped since he was young will transcend time, and work a miracle in the lives of one family...



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