Coo-Coo 043

詹京霖 CHAN Ching-lin


2022 | Mandarin/Min Nan | Color | Taiwan | 135min | C/E Subtitles | 輔12



七年前比賽沒有返回的賽鴿043現在飛回來了。 「七年」是法律上失蹤者聲請死亡宣告的期限。 是否為失蹤多年的兒子小實聲請死亡,阿欽師與阿敏夫妻不同調,也使得女兒露露有了波動,想離家尋求自由。 另一方面,網鴿事跡敗露的小虎被露露窩藏家中, 小虎開始學習養鴿事務,阿欽師把兒女失敗的馴化加諸其上,兩人形同父子。 阿敏卻偷偷去聲請小實的死亡宣告,家庭震盪。 同時,小虎也默默展開因網鴿而起卻註定失敗的復仇行動。 陰陽交會之際,鴿叫聲大作,阿欽師彷彿等到了心之所繫的歸來。

The sound of wings reverberates through the air. In the murky half-light, race pigeon 043 has finally returned after seven years. 043 wasn’t the only one that went missing seven years ago; the other was their son, Shih, whose disappearance remains the irreparable wound in Pigeon Master Ching’s heart. The family’s barely-maintained peace is shattered by 043’s return, as Ching’s daughter, Lulu, brings a beaten-up boy named Tig back home.
At first reluctant, Ching begins to see shades of Shih in Tig. After all, breeding pigeons with his son was his biggest wish. But wild pigeons can’t change their ways. Lulu leaves abruptly and never comes back. Ching’s wife, Ming, is also tempted to leave. She stealthily begins legal proceedings to declare Shih deceased. Thunder booms vaguely afar; a typhoon emerges on the horizon. Grandpa’s death is the last straw that breaks this family’s back. In the aftershock of the storm, what course should the wounded follow?



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