

濱口竜介 Ryusuke Hamaguchi


2012 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 113min | C/E Subtitles



年輕戀人兼劇場拍檔攜手編導新作,可惜舊心結未解,新分歧又浮現,她渴望溝通,他卻緊閉心扉,演員則各持立場而頓生磨擦,公演面臨了重大危機。擅長在作品中處理人與人的親密感的濱口,首度嘗試以極長的片長創作,通過綿密對白和詩歌,探討人際關係複雜面貌,俯拾皆是《歡樂時光》、《Drive My Car》等日後代表作的元素。

Hamaguchi wrote and directed this film as a graduation project for the students at ENBU Seminar (film and theater school in Tokyo) when he taught there. It is a three-part film: The first part is a documentary style production of a play; Then the actual full stage production of the play; and the epilogue. Poetry and written words play the central role in the movie.



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