The Dry Spell


高橋正彌 TAKAHASHI Masaya


2022 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 100min | Chinese Subtitles | 護



烈日炎炎的夏日,整個群馬縣因連日無雨而陷入嚴重乾旱危機,政府為此開始推行一系列限水措施。任職於自來水公司的岩切俊作(生田斗真 飾),每天的工作就是挨家挨戶拜訪拖欠水費的家庭,只要他們不如期繳清水費,就即刻執行停水。某天,岩切和搭檔木田(磯村勇斗 飾)在執行勤務的過程中,遇見了一對小姊妹,她們的父親下落不明多時,本來相依為命的母親有希(門?麥 飾)也突然在某次出門後音訊全無。眼見兩個孩子因為沒有繳費,只能過著無水、無電的艱困生活,看似對工作早已麻木的岩切,內心開始產生了動搖。究竟帶來希望的雨水,能成功降臨在這座日益乾涸的城市嗎?醞釀十年,改編自九0年代同名小說,本片以水為引、藉旱為喻,於銀幕上審視不被年代淘洗的社會議題,包括政策、家庭、社會結構等層次。本片令名導白石和彌跨刀首次擔任企劃製片,邀請生田斗真化身素樸鬱悶的公務員,與門?麥同台,更有宮藤官九郎、尾野真千子力挺演出。

Drama dealing with social issues based on Kawabayashi Mitsuru's same-named novel from three decades ago. Shiraishi Kazuya, who has a career as a director, produced the project. In the midst of a summer draught, city waterworks employee Iwakiri (Ikuta Toma) and his colleague Kida (Isomura Hayato) visit households behind in their water bill and turn off their water. Iwakiri is having a personal drought as relations have broken down with his wife and child, and then he meets sisters Keiko and Kumiko, whose father has vanished and mother (Kadowaki Mugi) never comes home.



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