撼山河 撼向世界
Free Beats: The Musical Journey of CHEN Ming Chang


林正盛 LIN Cheng-Sheng


2023 | Mandarin/Min Nan/Japanese | Color | Taiwan | 111min | C/E Subtitles | 普





CHEN Ming Chang, exposed to Western music, from The Beatles to Bob Dylan, often taught himself to play and sing with a guitar when he was young. In the closed social milieu during the martial law in Taiwan, he felt elated immersed in music and freedom, which aroused his desire to become a musician. Later, when he met CHEN Da and was deeply moved by the mellifluous melody of his moon guitar, he decided to set out on the journey on the land of Taiwan to learn more about the music that has been passed on through generations. Traveling around Taiwan, CHEN learns traditional opera music from prestigious musicians and integrate it with artistic creation, composing abundant music and stories that belong to Taiwan…
We would like to invite you to enter CHEN Ming Chang’s heart and life, getting a peek at his mindscape through the soundtracks in international movies as well as the songs and music in the operas he creates. Meanwhile, we can also spot the evolution of the social milieu during and after the martial law and from autocracy to democracy, being immersed in the zeitgeist and the shared memories that bind us with the land of Taiwan.



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Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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