Time Still Turns The Pages


卓亦謙 Nick CHEUK


2023 | Cantonese/Sign Languages/Malay/Mandarin | Color | HK | 95min | C/E Subtitles | 護


東京國際電影節World Focus單元

中學任職的鄭老師(盧鎮業 飾)在校園發現一封沒署名的遺書,在尋找真相過程中,卻讓他想起充滿暴力和遺憾的童年回憶,而開始翻閱起一本塵封已久的日記。但與此同時,跟妻子(陳漢娜 飾)的婚姻危機和父親 (鄭中基 飾)病危的雙重壓力下,他必須與時間賽跑,找出企圖輕生的同學並阻止悲劇發生。香港新銳導演卓亦謙畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,曾參與《殺破狼.貪狼》、《今晚打喪屍》編劇工作,首支長片《年少日記》不僅獲選香港第五屆大專組「首部劇情電影計劃」,也讓金獎導演爾冬陞相挺出任本片監製。由一本童年日記開始,以過去現在敘事方式,穿插著主角不該被提起的傷痛,沉穩的導演手法勾勒出快節奏的城市中,自殺者低齡化的問題;精準俐落的剪接,使觀眾一步步走入主角心境,讓結局迴盪於心頭久久不散,絕對是今年必看的電影之一。

Believe it or not, childhood traumas are real, and it keeps haunting us over time, but we are the only ones who can save ourselves. High school teacher Cheng looks back to his repressed childhood memories, as he finds an anonymous suicide note in his classroom. While at the same time he is facing a series of family problems, he strives hard to prevent the tragedy from happening. Produced by renowned director Derek Yee, Nick Cheuk’s directorial debut interrogates generational traumas in nuclear families through addressing student suicide tragedies in Hong Kong in recent years.—HKAFF


1/3(三) 11:00
1/4(四) 21:15
1/5(五) 10:30
1/6(六) 21:45
1/7(日) 12:45
1/8(一) 10:30
1/9(二) 15:20
1/10(三) 15:30
1/11(四) 17:05

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