Let's Go Karaoke!


山下敦弘 YAMASHITA Nobuhiro


2023 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 108min | Chinese Subtitles | 護




黑幫老大即將舉行一年一度的殘酷卡拉OK歌唱大賽,輸的人將接受老大的「私刑懲罰」。五音不全的成田狂兒(綾野剛 飾)為此傷透腦筋,恰巧天籟般的美聲傳來,讓他彷彿看見一線曙光,決定不恥下問地向合唱團中最強大的社長討教!就讀國三的岡聰實(齋藤潤 飾)是合唱團的社長,即將畢業引退的他,在區域大賽後突然被面貌兇惡的黑道大哥成田狂兒叫住,看著大哥有點靦腆地對他說:「我們去唱KTV吧!請教我唱歌!」儘管百般不願意,但為了生命安全著想,岡聰實仍硬著頭皮跟著狂兒踏入卡拉OK包廂,聽著狂兒用盡全身力氣吶喊唱出X Japan的高難度神曲<紅>,微妙的友誼也正在兩人之間發酵......。

A unique buddy film adaptation of Wayama Yama's comic of the same title, written by Nogi Akiko, the director of numerous hit TV dramas and films including The Voice of Sin and Inu-Oh, and directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro.
Oka Satomi (Saito Jun), a choir club leader, is suddenly invited to a karaoke session by yakuza lieutenant Narita Kyouji (Ayano Go), who asks him for singing lessons. In order to avoid the "horror" that awaits those who come last in the group's karaoke competition, Satomi reluctantly gives him singing lessons, but...



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No.18, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-2511-7786  Fax 886-2-2560-5222

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