搬家 4K數位修復版


相米慎二 SOMAI Shinji


1993 | Japanese | Color | Japan | 125min | Chinese Subtitles | 護


1993 坎城影展 一種注目
1993 報知映畫賞 最佳女配角新演員、 電影旬報年度十大影片
1994 每日映畫賞 最佳女配角新演員、 橫濱電影節 最佳新演員、電影旬報 最佳女配角新演員、讀者票選最佳影片

首次在台正式上映 一刀未剪完整版!
日本名導相米慎二 經典之作4K修復重映

國小六年級的少女蓮子,原以為自己的家庭幸福圓滿,無懈可擊。直到瀟灑不羈的爸爸和勤奮幹練的媽媽鬧翻,協議簽字離婚,她才突然意識到,自己的浪漫想像原來吹彈可破。父母離異的消 息傳到學校後,同學們的歧視眼光惹得蓮子無地自容。不甘心的她絞盡腦汁,盜刷媽媽的信用卡,預定了絕美名勝琵琶湖的車票及飯店,意圖讓父母不期而遇,期待兩人能重修舊好。蓮子的瞞天妙計,最終能否發揮奇效?

Sixth grader Renko is excited at first when her father finds a new apartment. When she finally realizes that her parents are contemplating divorce and her mother tries to lead her into a ‘brand new life’, Renko takes matters into her own hands. Just before the official divorce, Renko borrows her mother’s bank card and books a trip to Lake Biwa in an attempt to relive and rekindle the love her family felt during their summer vacation there the year before. Finally, Renko realizes that she cannot physically reunite her parents although they are united in their love for her.



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